If batteries have remained fully charged for more than a week, or if it has been some time since the last balance charge, you may experience a delay in the charging process toward the end of the charge. If this happens, it is important to make sure the battery is still healthy enough to be used and balance charge the cells:

  1. Test the battery to make sure all cells are within 2.0 volts of each other by plugging the battery into the charger with both the Power cable and Balance Port cable.
  2. Begin charging in Balance Mode (battery instructions can be found here). Once charging, the front display will show the number of cells being charged as well as their rate of charge and battery voltage.
  3. Once the charging has begun, check the cell voltage indicated on the screen (IF1200/IF1200A TA1200 Charger) or by pressing the INC (increase) button (IF750 Venom Charger). If the numbers are out of balance by more than 2.0 volts between cells the battery needs to be discontinued from use. Stop charging using the Stop button (IF750 Venom Charger) or Charge button (IF1200/IF1200A TA1200 Charger) and contact IFT Support for further battery disposal help.
  4. If the voltages are within the 2.0 volts threshold, the battery is still usable once balance charged. If the battery is stuck toward the end of its charge cycle, you can stop the charge, unplug the battery, wait approximately 1 hour and try again.
  5. Attempt to charge the battery in Balance mode again. Normal charging should resume.

Fully charged cells will read 4.2 volts per cell and storage charged cells will be 3.8 volts per cell.